Wednesday, August 8, 2012

North Carolina Charm and Great Attics.

Hello! Should I reintroduce myself? Sorry for the reeaaallllyyyyy extended vacation. Emphasis on the extended please. I was enjoying the lovely state of North Carolina, and have come back with some adorable decorating ideas courtesy my lovely Grandmother.

We drove up to my Grandma's beautiful home in early June!
Her little floral touches by the garage were oh so charming!

Look at this pineapple sign! This is something that would be a great DIY project (hint, hint!)

Her bench with pillows and flowers around it look so appealing on a hot summer day. Oh and do you see the fallen wreath on the bench? That was just part of our reunion aftermath!

If only we had pine trees in Texas! *sigh* Well anyways, now on to better things like the inside of her house! 

Her sunroom is something every house needs! These colors are so bright and so so relaxing!

Hallway to her bedroom. It's an oriental and modern mix.

My Grandma's sunroom chair. It's so big and fluffy, always cheering me up.

Big TV with birdhouses and christmas lights around it? HUGE fan of the Christmas nights. You guys must know that I am just a lil obsessed with holidays!

This is the view from upstairs. The red couches are in the oriental room. It is so chic!

Grandaddy's big chair complete with an organized TV viewing station. Yes please.

I love the under the table detail! House crashing my Grandma's house rocks!

Last but not least a big lots shelf turned chic in the oriental great room. Now off to post about my attic adventures! Love you all!


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